
Privacy Policy

Please Read our Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Welcome to Yosr Al Mashaer's privacy notice! We're here to explain how we handle your information when you use our services. Whether you're visiting our website, downloading our mobile app, or engaging with us in other ways, this notice will give you insight into your privacy rights and options. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at support@yosrhajj.com.

Key Points Overview:

- Personal Information Processing: We process personal information based on your interactions with our services, your choices, and the features you use. Find out more about the information you share with us.
- Sensitive Personal Information: We don't handle sensitive personal information.
- Third-Party Information: We don't receive any information from third parties.
- Information Processing: We process your information to deliver, enhance, and manage our services, communicate with you, ensure security, and comply with legal requirements. Learn more about our information processing practices.
- Information Sharing: We share information in specific situations and with specific third parties. Discover more about when and with whom we share your information.
- Information Security: While we have measures in place to safeguard your information, no system is entirely foolproof. Learn about our security measures and limitations.
- Your Privacy Rights: Depending on your location, privacy laws may grant you certain rights over your personal information. Explore your privacy rights further.
- Exercising Your Rights: You can easily exercise your rights by submitting a data access request or contacting us directly. We'll handle your requests in line with relevant data protection laws.

Table of Contents:

  • Information Collection
  • Information Processing
  • *Legal Basis for Processing
  • Sharing Your Information
  • Use of Cookies and Tracking Technologies
  • Data Retention
  • Information Security
  • Minors' Privacy
  • Your Privacy Rights
  • Opting Out of Tracking
  • California Residents' Privacy Rights
  • Virginia Residents' Privacy Rights
  • Updates to This Notice
  • Contact Us
  • Review, Update, or Delete Your Data

Information Collection:

We gather personal information that you willingly provide to us. This includes data you input during registration, when you express interest in our products, participate in our services, or communicate with us. - Personal Information Provided by You: Depending on your interactions with us, the information we collect may include email addresses, usernames, passport numbers, phone numbers, contact preferences, and names. We do not handle sensitive information. - Application Data: If you use our applications, we may collect additional information, such as geolocation data and mobile device information, with your permission.

Information Processing:

We process your information to deliver, enhance, and manage our services, communicate with you, ensure security, and comply with legal requirements. Additionally, we may process your information with your consent for other purposes.

Legal Basis for Processing:

We process your personal information only when necessary and with a valid legal reason, including your consent, compliance with laws, protection of vital interests, or fulfillment of contractual obligations.

Sharing Your Information:

We may share your information in specific situations, such as business transfers or partnerships with third parties.

Use of Cookies and Tracking Technologies:

We utilize cookies and similar technologies to collect and store information. You can find detailed information about this in our Cookie Notice.

Data Retention:

We retain your information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this notice or as required by law.

Information Security:

We implement organizational and technical security measures to protect your information, although we cannot guarantee absolute security.

Minors' Privacy:

We do not knowingly collect data from individuals under 18 years of age.

Your Privacy Rights:

You may have rights under applicable data protection laws, including access to and control over your personal information. Contact us to exercise these rights.

Opting Out of Tracking:

We do not currently respond to Do-Not-Track signals but will update our practices accordingly if standards are established.

California Residents' Privacy Rights:

If you are a California resident, you have specific rights regarding access to your personal information. Contact us for more information.

Virginia Residents' Privacy Rights:

Virginia residents may also have specific rights regarding their personal information under the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (CDPA).

Updates to This Notice:

We may update this notice to remain compliant with relevant laws, and we will notify you of any material changes.

Contact Us:

For questions or comments about this notice, please contact us at support@yosrhajj.com.

Review, Update, or Delete Your Data:

Depending on applicable laws, you may request access to, changes in, or deletion of your personal information. Submit a data subject access request for assistance.